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C Usage with CMake and Meson


Before proceeding, ensure the following are installed and set up:

  1. C Compiler: Ensure you have a C compiler installed. For example, gcc on Linux.
  2. filerix: Ensure the filerix library and its development files are installed.

CMake Prerequisites

  1. CMake: Install CMake. If you don't have it already:

Meson Prerequisites

  1. Meson: Install Meson. If you don't have it already:

Installing Dependencies

Depending on your distribution, run one of the following commands to install the required build tools:

sudo dnf install cmake make meson ninja
sudo apt install cmake make meson ninja
sudo pacman -Syu cmake make meson ninja

Building the Example with CMake

  1. Navigate to the example/c+cmake directory:

    cd example/c+cmake
  2. Create a build directory to keep the build files organized:

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Run cmake to configure the project:

    cmake ..
  4. Build the project with make:


    After building, the executable example will be available in the build directory.

Building the Example with Meson

  1. Navigate to the example/c+meson directory:

    cd example/c+meson
  2. Create a build directory to keep the build files organized:

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Run meson to configure the project:

    meson ..
  4. Build the project with ninja:


    After building, the executable example will be available in the build directory.

Running the Example

  1. Once the build process completes, run the compiled executable:

  2. The example will fetch and log the disk usage information for the specified path (/ by default). You should see output like this:

    Used space: <used_bytes> bytes
    Total space: <total_bytes> bytes

Understanding the Code

The C code interacts with the filerix library to fetch the disk usage of a given directory (/ by default). Here’s a quick breakdown of the key components:

  • GetDriveUsage: This function retrieves the disk usage details (used space and total space) for the given path.
  • printf: The result is printed to the console for the user to see.

This simple program is designed to showcase how to use filerix for filesystem operations and how to integrate it into a C++ project with CMake and Meson.

Common Issues

  • Missing (Shared Library): If you encounter errors about missing libraries (e.g.,, ensure the library path is correctly set:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    If filerix was installed manually, ensure the path where it's located is included in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.